Severe Storms to Bring Tornadoes, Winds, and Hail to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas

 In Event News

A significant weather threat is on the horizon for the upcoming days, posing potential dangers and life-threatening conditions. Although tornado activity has been notably absent thus far this year, Tornado Alley is anticipated to experience a notable uptick in activity.

Numerous disturbances are forecasted to originate from the Rockies, unleashing hazardous bouts of severe storms across the Plains and Mississippi Valley. This pattern aligns with historical trends, as severe weather frequently intensifies in these regions during the late April–May timeframe.

Baseball-sized hail is expected to be the initial danger, with severe thunderstorms persisting in the central United States through the weekend. The upcoming storm system this weekend could bring a heightened risk of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes compared to the ones on Thursday and Friday. Meteorologists believe there is an enhanced risk of flash flooding from central Kansas to central Arkansas, which includes much of central and eastern Oklahoma, western and central Missouri, and southeastern Iowa, into western Illinois through Sunday night.

In 2011, around the same time frame, the US witnessed 2011 Super Outbreak, one of the most severe tornado events in U.S. history. From April 25 to 28, over 360 tornadoes wreaked havoc across the Southern, Midwestern, and Eastern United States, marking it as the second deadliest and one of the costliest tornado outbreaks on record.

Severe Storms to Bring Tornadoes, Winds, and Hail to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas : Actionable Insights on EigenPrism

All EigenPrism® users can assess the forecast of this multi-peril event using the following report template:

US Severe Weather April Forecast Report 

The report template auto-updates with the latest available footprints, which include:

  • Significant Tornado Day 1 Outlook
  • Significant Hail Day 1 Outlook
  • Significant Wind Day 1 Outlook
  • WPC 3-Day Excessive Rainfall Outlook
  • NA 5-day Flood Potential
  • NA 3-day Flood Potential

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